The Benefits of Linen Towels | Space-saving, quick-drying, and ultra-absorbent

Linen has a rich history of use in countries like Belgium, France, and Lithuania - where the flax plant is native - but more recently, the fabric has been growing in popularity in the US thanks to its superior practicality and timeless style.

When JoAnne, founder of Goodlinens, first discovered linen towels on her travels in Europe many years ago, she was instantly inspired to share their exceptional qualities with friends and family at home.

So, why are more and more people switching to linen towels?

What is linen made from?

Linen is a natural fabric made from the flax plant (Linum Usitatissimum). The fibres in the stem of the flax plant are long and incredibly strong and, when woven, bestow the fabric with several unique qualities.

The benefits of flax don't start or end with linen’s functionality in the home. Every part of the flax plant has a use. Usitatissimum - part of the plant’s Latin name - even translates to “most useful”. This means there is no wastage, as the remains of the plant go on to be used in the production of paper, linseed oil, food supplements, and animal feed. Plus, the plant thrives only on rainwater, without the need for irrigation. Find out more about the sustainable properties of linen.

So, how can linen elevate your daily routines and why are more and more people switching to Goodlinens towels?

The benefits of linen towels

Lightweight and space-saving

Wave goodbye to heavy, bulky towels that take up unnecessary space in your linen closet, washer, gym bag, and suitcase.

Storage: No more rummaging around in your over-flowing linen cupboard, our linen towels take up much less room than traditional cotton terry.

Laundry: Save money and time by doing fewer loads of laundry. Our compact linen towels won’t fill up your washer and dry in no time. Find out more about how to care for your linen towels.

Travel: Perfect for on-the-go. A lighter, less bulky towel means more freedom when you travel - and more room for souvenirs! Discover more reasons why linen makes for the best travel towel here.

Quick-drying and ultra-absorbent

No one wants to have to dry themselves with a soggy towel. Linen fibers are hollow, allowing the fabric to breathe easily and wick away moisture, making them super fast-drying. Linen can also hold 20% of its weight in water before feeling damp. It’s a win-win!

Odour-free: We’ve all had the unpleasant experience of encountering a foul-smelling towel. Bacteria thrive in a damp environment. A faster-drying towel is more hygienic and means no more nasty odours. Plus, linen is naturally anti-bacterial, making it the perfect choice for the kitchen and bathroom.

Ready to use: You can reuse your linen towel multiple times throughout the day, whether after a shower, at the beach, or during a workout, without worrying about it staying damp.

Energy saving: Skip the dryer and air dry your towels in no time. Or, if you’re in a rush, our linen towels require a much shorter drying time than your usual towel would. Great for your pocket and the planet! Find out more about why changing to linen towels is a sustainable choice.

Durable and better with age

The flax fibers that are crafted into our signature linen fabrics are super long, making them extra durable and stronger than cotton. Over time, the fibres soften with age, making your towels even more luxurious as the years go by.

Cost-efficient: While linen towels might have a higher upfront cost, their longevity means they don't need to be replaced as frequently as cotton towels, providing better value over time. Future you is thanking you for your great investment skills!

Sustainable: We all know the secret to being more sustainable is buying less stuff, less frequently. You’ll be enjoying our versatile towels for years to come, without having to research the sustainability of new purchases endlessly. Check out the other eco-benefits of linen towels here.

Beautiful, always: Free yourself from towel-barrassment! Cotton towels degrade with every wash, while Goodlinens towels get softer and more comfortable over time, enhancing their usability and luxury. Linen fibers are less prone to fraying and thinning, ensuring that your towels maintain their integrity and appearance even with frequent use and washing.

More benefits of linen towels

As if the humble flax plant hadn’t given us enough already, here are some more more reasons why we are obsessed with linen towels.

Hypoallergenic: Linen is naturally hypoallergenic, making it suitable for people with sensitive skin or allergies.

Gently massaging: No need for expensive body scrubs, the natural texture of linen gently exfoliates the skin, leaving you feeling soft and radiant.

Unbleached: Free from toxins and chemicals, the natural colours of our towels are derived from the cellulose fibres inside the stock of the flax plant. Better for your skin and the planet.

Versatile: One day a gorgeous tablecloth, the next a charming picnic blanket or handy beach towel. When has a cotton terry towel ever added so much value to your life?

The low down

Linen towels are an excellent investment for those seeking high-performance, eco-friendly, and durable towels. Their space-saving design, quick-drying efficiency, and unmatched durability make them a standout choice for any household.

Discover our full range of 100% linen towels and find the perfect options for your bathroom, kitchen, or travel needs.

Shop now and embrace the timeless quality and functionality of linen.

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